Virtual Training

Virtual Training

Working from home is here to stay! While flexibility advantages, people often report feeling isolated, disconnected, or unmotivated. Without a team to interact with, it can be more challenging to stay focused, and to feel part of larger ideas and projects. Often the best ideas have come from ad hoc meetings over coffee or in the break room.

Virtual, interactive training inspires connection and a growth mindset within the team.

Would you like to know how to provide a networking and fun improv experience for new hires? Learning to say ‘yes’ sets up a collaborative teamwork environment.

How to interact with clients, practice rapport building, open and closed questioning and capturing that ‘yes’ from prospective customers?

How to overcome resistance to giving team members much needed feedback, enabling them to be more committed and focussed at work.

Virtual training spans multiple regions, giving teams consistent training and connection:

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Connecting your team based anywhere!

Virtual training gives your people the opportunity to work with a professional facilitators, role-players and coaches, with the safety and convenience of staying in their work or home office.

Our actor/coaches will hone presentation skills, perform role-play scenarios, practice challenging conversations, and give personal feedback and coaching. We can facilitate the entire session, or work alongside your trainers to convey your unique culture and expectations.


Interactive, real-time learning and connection.

Our clients report great results from working virtually, whether one-on-one or in groups. They receive useful real-time coaching with professional trainers, regardless of location.

The intimacy and focus of working in a virtual setting, with a selected coach, cannot be replicated with on-site distractions. Here the focus is entirely on interactive learning.

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